Cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems

Important This update supersedes and replaces update KB931836, released in January 2007. This update also includes additional time zone changes that were signed in to law after update KB931836 was created. Customers who have already deployed update KB931836 should evaluate whether any of the five specific time zone changes that are addressed in the update described by this Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article merit deploying this update immediately. If systems are not directly affected, you can schedule deployment at the next available opportunity. We recommend that all customers standardize on the most current Windows cumulative time zone update to guarantee the consistency of the time zone database on all systems.


The update that this article describes changes the time zone data to account for daylight saving time (DST) changes in several countries, as outlined. This update also includes other DST-related changes, time zone-related changes, and settings-related changes. Some of these changes will occur in 2007. Some of these changes have occurred since the products that are listed in the "Applies to" section were originally released.
