System Restore does not completely uninstall any program by itself if restoring to a point prior to the program installation. Since system restore is based on an inclusionary model, any file added or modified by the installation which System Restore does not monitor or files added to or modified in a non monitored drive will not be tracked by System Restore.Thus System Restore cannot delete or undo any modifications made to these files. To remove all the changes an installation may have made on the system, the user should first use the Add/Remove option in the control panel to remove the application prior to using System Restore. System Restore however will undo all recorded changes made to the registry & monitoredfiles caused by the application install including:
- a.. Delete monitored files the program installation may have added to the system
- b.. Undo modifications to monitored files made by the installation
- c.. Replace the current registry with the registry snapshot taken when the restore point chosen was created. (*note: some current values will persist)
- d.. Any file type not monitored by System Restore added or modified on the system will not be restored or removed. E.g. .jpg, .txt files.
For additional information on System Restore please visit: